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  • Outdoor Abenteuer für jedes alter

River hiking on the Enns

On 90 kilometres in 5 stages and 12 sections

The river Enns between Mandling (Salzburg) and the Gesäuse (Styria) is surrounded by breathtaking, unique and attractive scenery. This river is an insider tip for adventurers and outdoor freaks who want to experience nature intensively and differently. Over several days, you paddle on the river Enns for 90 kilometres and discover the attractions of the Ennstal valley in a very special way. We assist you with planning, organising as well as with the equipment.

Access & exits
Marked points and stages
On your river hike along the Enns you’ll find marked accesses and exits for all stages and sections to facilitate the planning of your tour.
Off the beaten track

Discover impressive landscapes and extraordinary attractions directly from the banks of the river Enns. Get inspired by our recommendations.
Equipment for river hiking
Best equipment – from boats to wetsuits. We tailor everything according to your skills and needs so that you can truly enjoy paddling and be safe at the same time.
Shuttle service & Railway

To make your river hike especially comfortable, we offer you our own shuttle service. We also coordinated our stages with possible train connections.


With our professional modular system, you will dive into kayaking and gradually learn the art of paddling. We accompany you at all skill levels to achieve your goals on the river.

Flussandern im Magazin

Hier findest du einen Artikel, den die Helden der Freizeit über uns verfasst haben!

90 Kilometer, von Wildwasser bis Zahmwasser, mit Packraft, Funyak, wendigem Wildwasser-Kajak oder gemütlichem Erholungskajak. Wir zeigen dir mit Video wie vielseitig und schön Flusswandern auf der Enns ist, mit nützlichen Tipps auf und abseits der Strecke, welche Sehenswürdigkeiten an der Strecke liegen und auf welche Guides du dabei zurückgreifen kannst.  WEITER LESEN

Trusted By

We always strive to get the best out of you. That's why we have established high-quality partnerships from which you will definitely benefit.

Paddle for several days, covering 90 kilometers along the Enns River, and explore the attractions of the Enns Valley. We assist you with planning, organizing, and providing equipment.

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